Ever found yourself scrambling for a vital piece of info on a potential buyer, but not sure where to find it? You know you’ve spoken to them at one time, but was it on social media? Through the phone? Email? Was this even the same person you thought it was, to begin...
LinkedIn for Business: How to do it Right
Should you be on LinkedIn? Is it worth your time? How do you leverage LinkedIn correctly? If you find yourself asking any of these questions, please continue reading this article. We’ve got all the answers for you in this RIG94 Lab.
Boom Or Bust, Make Online Marketing A Priority
The best way to grow your business and/or survive a market slow down is to have great marketing.Is oil boom. Boom or bust it shouldn’t matter when it comes to effectively marketing your business. The value that can come from great marketing is priceless.
Build Trust with Prospects Online
Companies who are able to create authentic connections with their customers have a strategic advantage over those who don’t. What exactly does this mean? We’re glad you asked because in today’s RIG94 Lab we’re diving headfirst into why building trust could be one of the absolute most important things that your business accomplishes with RIG94 as your marketing department partner.
Why Hire A Marketing Agency Like RIG94
Considering hiring an in-house employee for your marketing efforts? Or, are you considering the possibility of hiring a marketing agency? There are many factors to consider here, and it’s a different situation for every business. In today’s RIG94 Lab, we break down the differences between the two, and why we think this decision may be even more important than you think.
Your Company Needs a Blog: Here’s Why
Plain and simple: your business needs to have a blog. If you’re wondering how some articles could possibly help your oil and gas business, this post is just for you. In today’s RIG94 business lab, we dive deep into a handful of specific ways having a blog can directly benefit your business.
Killing Industrial Companies on Google
Search Engine Optimization is more than a form of marketing. It’s what makes the difference between a thriving Oilfield company online and one that is gasping for air. In today’s RIG94 lab, we’re going to dive headfirst into the benefits of having a strong SEO strategy and why it has such a big impact on your business in today’s technology-driven world.
Email Newsletters: Is it Worth the Effort?
Have you been questioning whether your newsletter updates are worth your time? Are they even driving business and increasing sales? Is your e-mail list growing or headed downslope? You’re not alone in asking these types of questions and in today’s RIG94 lab, we’re getting down to the answers.
Your Business Can’t Be Trusted: Why Reviews Matter
A great first impression is everything. What is the first impression of your business online? Did you know that reviews help get you more exposure online too? In today’s RIG94 Lab we’re diving headfirst into why reviews are crucial to gaining trust for your brand online.
B2B Ad Targeting: 8 Hot Tips
Have you ever wondered how targeted advertising could benefit your business? In today’s RIG94 Lab, we dive into 8 proven targeting tactics you can use to grow your customer base in the oil and gas industry. At RIG94, we would love to help your business tap into the power of targeted advertising by choosing us as your trusted marketing partner!
RIG94 Agency Services
Company Exposure
We help B2B businesses run highly targeted advertising campaigns.
Creative Assets
When it's time to convince a prospect to become a lead we can help with creative.
Web Development
RIG94 offers a wide range of website services and programming support.
Revenue Ops
From social media and email marketing to CRM management, RIG94 can help.